Introduction to SPV Society

The Society known as the Special Purpose Vehicle Society has been constituted/established by the SPV Committee under the orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court with the aim and objective to undertake development activities in the mandated area including the development of health, education, economy, irrigation and agriculture in the areas affected by mining activities undertaken by the Lafarge Umiam Mining Pvt. Ltd. The Society was registered under the Meghalaya Societies Registration Act XII of 1983 – [No.SR/SPVS -2/12 of 2012] and came into being on 1-3-2012. The SPV Society shall function as the apex implementing and coordinating organisation for the integrated development of the areas affected by the diversion of 116.589 Ha of land in Nongtrai-Shella area, East Khasi Hills District.

The operational activities of the SPV Society are limited to the area covering the elakas/villages within a perimeter distance of 50 kilometres around the mining area undertaken by the Lafarge Umiam Mining Private Ltd. (LUMPL). The SPV Committee examined the matter in-depth and was of the view that going by the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the area was taken as a linear distance and if taken the outer circular perimeter of the project area as 50 kms, it would correspond to a geometrical radius of 8 kms or an area of 200 sq. kms and presuming that the above interpretation is valid, the area of operation of the development projects would cover the elakas (traditional local administrative units) with a total of 55 villages including hamlets. It was further decided by the SPV Committee that the core areas which have been affected by the mining activities of the LUMPL should get priority treatment in the implementation of the various development projects. As far as information from LUMPL is concerned, apart from other areas, the following villages have been identified which need to be considered as core areas viz. Shella elaka, Nongtraielaka, Dewsawelaka, Tyngngerelaka, an extract of the decision per proceedings of the Meeting of 31-5-2012 is reproduced below:-

Extend of coverage of the area of operation of SPV Society.

The Order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court states that the development works would be carried out in the project area of 50 kms. The SPV Committee had earlier interpreted that the project area as 50 sq kms which would correspond to an area of a circle of 4 kms radius with Nongtrai village as the centre. The matter was examined in depth and going by the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court which stated that the project area would be 50 kms, this was taken as a linear distance and if we take the outer circular perimeter of the project area as 50 kms, it would correspond to a geometrical radius of 8.00 kms or an area of 200 kms and presuming that the above interpretation is valid, the area of operation of the development projects would cover the following Elakas:-

Nongtrai Elaka, Nonglait Elaka, Mawdon-Mawkhan Elaka, Lawbah Elaka, Sinai Mawshynrut Elaka, Dewsaw Elaka, Tyngnger Elaka, Lyngkhom Elaka, Synnei Elaka, Umtlang Elaka, Tynrong (Rumnong) Elaka, Tynrong Mawrap Elaka, Nonglyngkien Elaka, Ramdait Elaka, Mynteng Elaka, Tyrna Elaka, Nongkroh Elaka, Laitkynsew Elaka, Nongwar Elaka, Mustoh Elaka, Shella Elaka.

An Elaka means the traditional administrative area of a village and includes other villages or hamlets located within its traditional administrative boundary.

The SPV Committee decided to approve the area of operation suggested by the CEO, SPV Society, Shri. G.P. Wahlang.

“It was also decided that the core areas which have been affected by the mining of the Lafarge Umiam Mining Pvt. Ltd. needs to be identified and these villages should get priority treatment in the implementation of the various development projects. As far as the information from M/s. Lafarge Umiam Mining Pvt. Ltd. is concerned, apart from others, the following villages need to be considered as core areas viz. Shella Elaka, NongtraiElaka, DewsawElaka, TyngngerElaka. It was also decided that the date of the first deposit by M/s. Lafarge Umiam Mining Pvt. Ltd. needs to be checked as the annual report is to be filed before the Hon’ble Supreme Court. This will also include the time taken for the establishment of SPV Society and initiation of project activities.”

The area is by and large, coincident with the river Umiam basin bordering Bangladesh. It is generally acknowledged that the area is one of the most difficult parts of the State for implementing any development programmes because of its remoteness, inaccessibility and unfriendly terrains. For the implementation of the different programmes & activities, these are being guided by the spirit of the guidelines of the approach paper which lays down the approach to the development of the area according to the orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

Organisational set up of SPV Society:-

The SPV Society has been set up with the aim and objective to undertake socio-economic development schemes/activities for the well being of the people under the area of operation as indicated above. The management of the affairs of the Society is vested with the General Body and the Board of Directors as enshrined in the bye-laws/rules of the Society with the Chief Executive Officer to function as the Chief Executive of the Management of the Society. The powers and functions and duties and terms and conditions governing the management of the Society have been specifically laid down in bye laws and rules and regulations framed for the purpose.

Involvement of local people in determining developmental needs etc in identified areas :–

Setting up of the Local Project Implementation Committee (LPIC).

While taking up development activities on specified areas, the SPV Society adopts a bottom-up approach. To provide a link between the management of the SPV Society on one hand and the village authorities and their people on the other Local Project Implementation Committees (LPIC’s) have been set up. Each LPIC has a Chairman, a Secretary and 3 members, two of whom being a lady and a youth. Members of the LPIC are selected by the Village Authority and approved by the SPV Society. Specific guidelines have been prescribed to regulate their functions and duties and the Society is giving them support to function affectively. The approach of the Society is to make the LPIC to keep watch over implementation of schemes and projects and to keep the Society informed of the progress of implementation of schemes particularly in relation to the individual beneficiaries.

The LPIC’s will be responsible to receive applications from members of the localities including groups, societies, institutions and non-resident persons having landed property in the village and scrutinize them as per the instructions issued by the SPV Society. In the case of Community projects, the LPIC shall recommend only such projects which are located within each concerned village/elaka.

All such applications as fulfilling the instructions (given by the SPV Society) will be forwarded/submitted by the LPIC to the SPV Society for consideration. Notwithstanding the recommendation of the LPIC, the decision of the SPV Society in selection of beneficiaries /schemes/projects shall be final. Members of the LPIC shall assist the SPV Society in monitoring implementation of the schemes/projects and also to render necessary assistance to the officers deputed by the Society for the monitoring and inspection of the schemes and projects in the locality/village.

Sectors of Services

The SPVS has dedicated channels and mechanisms to help in the development of the Umiam Basin region in several key sectors.

  • Health
  • Education
  • Agriculture
  • Horticulture
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Bee Keeping
  • Fishery
  • Irrigation 
  • General Economy
  • Community Infrastructure
  • Roads and Infrastructure

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